Mayan Food Relief
“Can you put me on the same program that you put Esteban on?” I was taken back by the question and really did not know what they meant so I followed up with the question, “What do you mean?”
The Jeff Carney Family has been associated with Trinity Baptist Church for two decades. When we initially arrived in the Yucatan, we partnered with my parents, Don and Carolyn Carney, to plant Peninsula Baptist Church. In recent days, we are continuing to work with my parents in a new ministry opportunity through REACH ministries called Project 5/10. The goal of this project is to plant 5 Mayan churches in 10 years. God is opening doors for the gospel in the villages via medical clinics, baseball camps, bikes for grades in public schools, and more recently, through the Mayan Food Relief outreach.
The impact of Covid-19 can be readily seen throughout the Yucatan. Most of the men travel to the capital cities of Cancun or Merida to work during the week, but since March, their travel has been drastically reduced. We saw this as a God-given opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a visible way. We began purchasing large quantities of rice, beans, tuna, tomato sauce, pasta, soup, toilet paper and soap. These items are placed in a bag, along with a gospel tract, to be distributed. Each bag costs $8 USD and will feed a family of 4 for just about a week.
Trinity heard about the project and in quick succession pledged $4000 to purchase some 500+ food bags! What a blessing and honor for the Carney Clan to partner with churches and individuals like Trinity through REACH ministries to build Relationships that Empower leaders with Accountability as we proclaim Christ and bring Health to the Mayan villages!
To date, over 2000 bags have been delivered and our plan is to continue to distribute them until Christmas. Any small group, family or individual who desires to participate by donating $8 or more can simply scan the QR code or mail a check to: Don Carney Harrison Bay Rd, Harrison, TN 37341. Please be sure to mark the memo section with Mayan Food Relief.
“Can you put me on the same program that you put Esteban on?” It finally clicked in my mind. Esteban came and received an adjustment at a chiropractic clinic that we sponsored and soon thereafter he became a follower of Christ. Immediately he ceased from being one of the town drunks as he became a new creation in Christ. I responded and told the person that Esteban had taken a pill. The individual asked: “What pill?” I said, “The Jesus pill!”
We ask you to pray that the “Jesus pill” will continue to transform homes and villages as food goes into their hands and the gospel takes root in their hearts.
Reaching with you for them,
The Jeff Carney Family