






We want to multiply our mission through a continued commitment to local ministry. Over the past 100 years, we have been deeply committed to being a church for the community, that strives to meet people where they are and bring them to Jesus. Each week people come from all across the city to our Hammond and Oakleaf locations to encounter worship, the study and application of God’s Word, and the intentional hospitality that we offer to all ages. Over the next two-years we will continue to multiply mission in these key ways:

COME - 5 weekend worship services across campuses

GROW - 78 weekly small groups

SERVE - 7 weekend serve teams

GO -12 local community outreaches

We will continue Local Ministry investment at current levels.



PLAZA PAYDOWN - In 2017, we completed one of the most significant additions to our Hammond campus with the construction of the Connections Plaza. Over the next two years, we will continue to pay down the remaining balance due on this addition.

OAKLEAF BUILDING - In 2022, we plan to plant permanent roots in Oakleaf with the construction of a church building for our Oakleaf congregation.

MANDARIN CAMPUS - We are exploring plans with an existing church that would like to become a new Trinity campus.

OAKLEAF BUILDING RENDERINGS - In the last 7 years, Oakleaf has seen more than 4,000 guests come through their doors to hear the gospel. Building a permanent facility will allow the Oakleaf location to accommodate over 1,000 people in weekend worship and move them out of a portable rented facility.

Our 2-Year Ministry Expansion increase is $720,000.



Global missions has been a passion of our church since its inception. Over the years we have partnered with hundreds of missionaries and church planters and sent many out from our church. We currently support over 80 missionaries and agencies operating on 5 continents and in over 30 different countries. In the last 5 years alone, we have sent 15 families out of our church into missions regionally and globally.

Over the next two years we want to both deepen and expand our global impact and outreach. We hope to do that by:

  • Deepening our commitment with our most strategic partnerships
  • Sending 24 teams on mission trips
  • Investing in projects that will help our missionaries get the gospel to unreached people groups
  • Committing 10% of all giving to global outreach

Our 2-Year Global Missions increase is $240,000.



As God blesses us as individuals and as a ministry, we bear a responsibility to use our resources wisely. Our church has experienced uncommon longevity because previous generations practiced financial stewardship in a sustainable way. Our desire is to begin preparing today for ministry that will impact the generations to come at our church.


Over the next two years, we will commit 10% of our giving toward financial reserves and facility repair and replacement. This will strengthen our financial sustainability and provide resources for future improvement and expansion.

Our 2-Year Strategic Stewardship increase is $240,000.


Generosity is a journey for each of us. The generosity God demonstrates toward us should manifest itself in acts of generosity in our own lives. In order to provide for this two-year vision, we are asking every person in our church to prayerfully consider taking one of the three steps listed below in their journey of generosity.


From nothing to something (A NEW GIVER)

Some of us need to begin giving of our resources for the first time. This is an intentional step to display the generosity of God through giving toward multiplying the mission of his church.

From Something to Significant (A TITHING GIVER)

Some of us need to move toward consistent percentage giving. This is an intentional step into consistently giving a percentage of our income back to God through the local church.

From Significant to Sacrificial (A "BEYOND THE TITHE" GIVER)

For some of us, this two-year vision will be an opportunity to engage in sacrificial giving that goes beyond our regular tithes and offerings.


We want to bring change into the lives of others because we have been changed by Christ. As we launch into a new season in the life of our church, we are striving to meet three goals that will lead us to multiply our mission through local ministry, global outreach, ministry expansion, and strategic stewardship.

Goal 1 - 100% Participation

Goal 2 -$1,200,000 Total 2-year increase above our current giving

Goal 3 - $200,000 Year-End Offering


The vision in front of us as a church is likely larger than the resource capacity of any one member of our church. But if we all give together, we are confident this two-year ministry vision can become a reality. We need every individual or family in our church to consider what God would be leading to pledge over the next two years. This $1.2 million dollar vision is OVER & ABOVE all of our current budgeted giving.

Below is a pledge card for you to make your commitment to this Multiply Mission two-year vision. Simply include the total of your current giving to all funds (tithes, missions, building funds, etc.), plus your planned Multiply Mission increase and then total it all together and designate your planned giving frequency for that amount (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc). We are believing that TOGETHER we can meet this vision need!

Our Goal: $1,200,000